Saturday, January 3, 2009

How To Make Friends

There are many singles that after divorce or separation are looking for other single friends for socializing with and who may not be ready for a new dating relationship just yet. Our social New Friends category for both women and men is designed for singles like you as we all need friends at some time in our lives. Whether it is simply to enjoy life with or to commiserate with.

The process of meeting and making friends is usually accomplished long before we analyse how and why. By the time we reach adolescence the process has become more conscious and so becomes more difficult as we weight the pros and cons of getting to know someone. By the time we are adults and difficulties can appear even more numerous as the pressures of work and maintaining a roof over our heads mean yet further restrains upon us. Being single and adult the problems involved in making new friends can multiply again.

The number of single adults in this country is increasing for a variety of reasons. People are marrying later or are divorcing more frequently. Women are pursuing their careers and financial independence for longer. The right partner may not have appeared. The right partner may have died. It could be a simple decision to remain single. Whatever the reasons and whatever the status, we still want friends. However, what happens when you realise that your social circle has shrunk and that your diary has more blanks than you feel comfortable with? By placing your new friends ad or if you're already a member contacting members or replying to contacts you've received you can make new friends easily, by doing so you will be taking charge of your social life and no longer leaving to chance. Quite simply having good friends makes even the simple things in life more enjoyable.

Start looking at your life style and deciding on the areas that you would like to include other people in. You may well be quite content with your own company through the week but Saturday night alone can seem very empty. Traditional holidays and feast days can assume terrible proportions as the expectation of 'having a good time' increases. Going to the cinema may be enjoyable on your own but eating a meal in a restaurant isn't. A weekend away can be a revitalising solo venture but not a two-week summer break. Spot your particular needs when looking for new friends and when placing your new friends social ad or if you are a member update your social ad to include that information.

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